Is it Lifestyle change? really....weren't you eating before you had a healthy fresh juice drink?
Well, its time to clear the air....this is a lifestyle change because so many of us eat and drink things that are heated, boiled, processed and washed. In some cases all the real nutrients are stripped from the food. By the time you get a bottle of apple juice all you have is sugary water that has apple flavor.
The photo to the left is what most of us know as apple juice...Well, the fact is, when apple juice is fresh, it's dirty, brown and unpleasant to look at. It resembles muddy water...yet it actually taste like an apple. With society bent on "natural" we are still looking for pretty, picture, perfect looking foods. Give me a banged up, over ripe apple, orange or banana anytime. Ripe Fruit is as sweet as candy...maybe sweeter in some cases.
When a customer asks, "Henry, why does the drink look so bad, i.e. green, brown, muddy, cloudy", I answer, "these are the colors of the earth." I don't sugar coat the drink or the value of its natural sources of nutrients, which are well known. So why do the food manufacturers disguise the "real". Its simple, for shelf life. Real unprocessed foods do not sit on shelves long. The simple rule is; if it does not expire this year is it really something you want to eat. Freezing on the other hand, has less of an affect on shelf life. A certain temperature must be maintained and the seals can never be broken.
So, is it really lifestyle change? bet. If you had to get up everyday, pick apples, dig out carrots, milk your cow, get your eggs from the chicken coop, churn your butter, grind your wheat to make bread, filter your rain or spring water etc. etc, get my point, that would be a lifestyle change. Sometimes we can get the sources of healthy food we need and it is often carrying a high price, because it takes hands-on work to get it to the market.
Fruition Juice Inc. offers a little hope for the change in establishing a wholesome diet for your "minimum" daily required amount of fruit and vegetables and beyond. We combine some simple foods into fabulous drinks that are tasty and good for YOU, the best part is, we at Fruition also make those drinks taste good. It is part of a pattern which is being established for healthier eating habits. Eating and drinking healthier foods is about taking care of you and your body...a have and the control you have over it.
Make juicing and eating healthy part of your lifestyle not a chore. So have some fun with your next drink combination, throw some celery into your smoothie, add some spinach to your will not kill you.. LOL...actually, it may keep you alive another day : )
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