Keep your Eating Healthy and Simple
Avoid These Items in your food Salt Sugar, substitutes, “corn” sugar, fructose, sucrose, etc. Nothing Processed (i.e. flour, pasta, rice and sugar) Nothing Fried or Breaded Simple carbohydrates Know what is good for you and what is bad for you. We all know more than ever about healthy eating and the Internet has bombarded us with tons of information. There is no excuse to not know what is bad. However, the truth is, like cigarettes that we know can kill and cause cancer are still smoked more than ever. What if food had the same warning won't stop anyone from eating fat, salt, sugar or chemicals used to preserve food. Goes to show you that the mind, food addiction and how people process this information does not guarantee any success. Ask the person who was just diagnosed with diabetes if they knew too much sugar was no good, or ask the person who was just diagnosed with high blood pressure or cholesterol, if they knew that too mu...