Control your Food..Don't let your food control you
Every day we are faced with options on what to eat, when to eat and how to eat. Sure, it seems basic that everything we eat should come naturally, as it was intended. From eating baby food as an infant to the school lunch, and moms meatloaf after a long day. While we age, we forget that food should not be that complex, and easy to access. There lays the problem... we often want easy, fast ready to eat foods. The time it takes to prepare meals is time consuming and does not always come out the way the recipe intended. Here is the solution, keep your meals simple and easy.
What the food companies have done is make it easy for you but they really do not take that much effort to prepare yourself. The package of frozen lean cuisine or smart one is only a pre-packed meal, which can be prepared using the same principals. Cook enough of your favorite meal using natural and healthy ingredients, lean meats, and low salt. Then package them and freeze them.
You control your own super market and control the ingredients. This process of cooking multiple items for the week and pre packing is a good way to control your food, save a ton of money and eat healthy. It does not have to be alfalfa sprouts and bean curd; I do not eat that way. I like my chicken and I like my fish. I enjoy quality foods with a rich flavor. There is no need to suffer. pasta, rice, vegetables, assorted beans, adds to a variety of flavors and combinations. Quick soups made with all natural vegetable stocks and light seasoning offer a series of combinations and options. These meals can be prepared quickly and often are much healthier than a store bought option. The reason why, you are in control of your diet, you are in control of the budget and you are in control of the content.
Fruition Juice will be offering many of these simple options of steamed vegetables and vegan soups mixed with a variety of fish, chicken, pasta and rice dishes. The future of these packaged meals offers another alternative to eating healthy on the run. Simple foods are affordable and quick. Its fast food...but healthy food. The introduction of fresh, not overcooked, vegetables combined with grilled or baked chicken ready to eat by steaming or microwaving is the alternative. The future is bright for Fruitions line of products, which do make the choices more available.
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